Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Islam The Misunderstood Religion

Author: Dr Danial Zainal Abidin

"Differences cannot be avoided in this world. What is important is not the differences, but how to tolerate and manage them."

Islam is a relegion of excellence. Excellence in Islam is achieved through faith in Allah. This faith in Allah is like a switch in the heart of a Muslim that constantly mwkes contact with the Most High, that is God. When this contact is made it kindles a light in the heart which becomes brighter as time goes on until it is able to illuminate the whole life of this Muslim. This light will enable a Muslim to see the truth, make the right decisions, possess the right attitude and strive diligently in order to achieve excellence in this world and the hereafter.

Islam is gaining momentum in the West, amidst negative media coverage. The surge of new converts in hostile ground proves that Islam is a true religion that needs reckoning by the West. On October 7, 2002, it was reported in St. Petersburg Times that, " Every year, about 20,000 people in the United States convert to Islam, according to a study conducted by the Conil on American-Islamic Relations."

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